You are currently viewing 7 veggies to plant in June, along with professional guidance on when and how to plant seeds

7 veggies to plant in June, along with professional guidance on when and how to plant seeds

There isn’t a finer month for gardening than June, in my opinion. The birds are chirping, flowers are flowering, and fruits are cropping. It is difficult to avoid spending your free time outdoors caring to the borders and container displays if you are an avid gardener.

In the vegetable garden, June is usually the busiest month due to the peak growing season. Plants planted in March and April should start to provide tasty harvests, but in the coming weeks, weeding and watering will become crucial tasks.

Being a gardener, I am often in awe of how rapidly plants develop and seeds may sprout at this time of year. With the earth still warm and the nights still pleasant, June is still a great month to plant seeds straight into your beds and containers. Thus, even though June is a busy month, understanding what to plant then can guarantee that you have a lengthy harvest this year.

Which Vegetables Are Appropriate for June Planting?

In June, a wide variety of vegetable seeds may be sown. This month may also be used to seed a lot of veggies that are planted in May, especially if the spring has been a little bit chilly.

Even though this will be a busy time of year in the kitchen garden, requiring a lot of work spent on watering, weeding, and fertilizing, remember to keep sowing seeds, such as kale, carrots, and radishes, as this will help to extend the harvest season. I’ve listed seven delectable vegetable harvests that you may grow in your garden in June here.


    Finding out when and how to grow beets is a smart place to start if you’re thinking about starting a vegetable garden. One of the simplest vegetables to produce is beetroot, which is also a tasty crop to harvest for your summertime meals.

    Even though you may have previously planted beets earlier in the year, I still advise planting again in June. You will reap the rewards of a late summer crop if you do this.

    Beetroot seed may still be put straight into your vegetable plots in June if the weather is still moderate, however planting will depend on your US hardiness zone. It is definitely too late in the season once the temperature reaches 75 to 80°F (24 to 27°C), but if you plant in early to mid-June, you should still have a fair yield.


      June is the best month to plant seeds for a tasty crop later in the year if you want to learn how to cultivate Swiss chard this year. Growing in the kitchen garden, chard is not only a tasty crop but also a visually arresting one, with a range of brilliant hues to choose from.

      Because chard seeds are bigger than most others, I suggest planting them in holes that are 1 inch in diameter and spaced 4 inches apart. Afterwards, you may trim your chard plants based on germination, or you can let them grow if you want to pick the leaves when they are smaller but still tasty.

      Grow your Swiss chard on soil that has been combined with some organic materials and full light. Keep in mind that healthy soil is vital, and that plants will develop more effectively for the duration of the growing season in nutrient-rich soil.

      When it comes to picking when to harvest Swiss chard, young, smaller leaves should be ready to be picked in 4–6 weeks, while bigger, more mature foliage will be available in 6–8 weeks.3. OKRA

      Developing okra

      If you’re interested in learning how to cultivate okra, June is an excellent time to plant seeds since this crop thrives in hot temperatures. Okra is the crop to plant if you live in US hardiness zone 8 and above. It’s often regarded as one of the greatest vegetables that can withstand drought, flourishing in warm, dry weather.

      In addition to being a tasty food, okra is known to “cut-and-come-again,” which means that if you harvest okra pods, more will grow. Once your seed has germinated, thin it out so that your okra plants are spaced about 12 inches apart, allowing them plenty room to develop.


        Another excellent vegetable for succession planting is carrots. You may extend the time you can enjoy tasty carrots for a much longer time by planting one or two more rows of carrot seeds in June.

        Carrots are an excellent crop to choose if you’re new to producing vegetables, even though many gardeners will already know how to cultivate them. Furthermore, for gardeners with smaller plots, carrots may be grown in pots.

        Carrots thrive in an open, sunny spot with soil that retains moisture yet drains easily. Given that early crops are more vulnerable, sowing later in the year may also lower the chance of carrot root fly infestation.


          Fennel is the perfect crop to cultivate in your yard if you’re seeking for something aromatic. It’s not too difficult to cultivate this fragrant crop, and if you’re wondering when to plant fennel, you may sow the seeds anytime throughout the summer.

          I would advise lightly planting the seed at a depth of between half an inch and an inch while thinking about how to cultivate fennel. Depending on your environment, germination should take two weeks. After that, you may trim your seedlings so that each plant is separated by around 15 inches.


          You may cultivate two different kinds of broccoli in your kitchen garden. Calabrese is the name given to the large-headed species, while sprouting broccoli is the name given to the smaller-floret kind. When planting broccoli, you may seed both of these crops outside in June. They are both very tasty and nutrient-dense.

          Before thinking about growing broccoli, start by raking and weeding the dirt in your vegetable gardens. Plant your seeds in a row with caution, and once they germinate, thin out your seedlings. As the season progresses, I like to give my broccoli plants plenty of space to grow so that the side branches may mature. Throughout the summer, give your broccoli plants frequent irrigations and fertilize them with a high-nitrogen fertilizer every few weeks.

          Like many brassica crops, broccoli plants are vulnerable to pest attacks, such as those by cabbage-white butterflies, so it’s a good idea to use a fine mesh net—available at Walmart—to protect your beds.


          Learning how to grow parsnips requires every gardener to understand that the quality of the soil is crucial for the growth of this root vegetable. Although parsnips may be grown in a variety of soil conditions, clay, heavy, or wet soil should be avoided for parsnip beds.

          Before planting the seed, prepare the soil by tilling, raking, and forking it. Then, remove any weeds or rocks, and cover the seed with a half-inch layer of dirt. Keep in mind that parsnips have lengthy tap roots, so make sure your planter or bed can support the plant’s deep development.

          Companion planting is a smart option if you want to protect your valuable parsnip plants from pests. I would recommend growing nearby chives, garlic, or leeks to help ward off pests.


          May Potatoes Be Planted in June?

          You may still plant potatoes in June if you’ve wanted to but haven’t gotten around to it. It is advisable to verify before planting since not all cultivars are appropriate for late spring and early summer sowing. One tasty kind that may be planted in June is the ‘Charlotte’ potato, which grows quickly due to the rising temperatures.

          You may still plant veggies in your yard in June as it’s still early in the growing season. If you invest the time to plant as much as you can now, your harvests later in the year will be bountiful.

          See our post on the best flowers to put in a vegetable garden to fend off pests for additional tips on how to grow a beautiful kitchen garden that also helps you ward off pests and other issues.

          How and when should seeds be sown?

          A straightforward method is to sow seeds straight into the ground after the temperature is warm enough, around 15-20 degrees (according to the directions on the specific seed packaging). Direct seeding is a more efficient method of gardening since it allows you to plant later and saves time, space, and resources by not needing to prick out seedlings and pot on.

          Why is now the ideal time to plant seeds?

          To sow is to plant a seed or to sow it in the ground. Plant seeds as soon as possible in the morning to give the water time to seep into the soil and warm up during the day. If you work in the evening, just make sure the seed flats are kept warm the next day.

          What is the current seeding technique?

          The seed drill is a contemporary technique for planting seeds. Compared to manual sowing, this approach is superior and more effective. Typically, a tractor is equipped with iron drills attached to it. Seed drills guarantee that seeds are inserted into the soil at the proper depth and at uniform intervals.

          What is the most effective way to germinate seeds?

          Seed Starting: A Comparison of Low-Cost Indoor Techniques…
          We love using yogurt cups as seed starters. When it’s time to transplant, you can easily take your babies out of them with their roots still attached since they are a decent size and don’t decay. The soft plastic also helps. I adore these items. I don’t even puncture the bottom (be cautious not to oversubmerge!).

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