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Ponytail palm tree maintenance tips – Three pro suggestions for this unusual indoor tree

Ponytail palm plants’ softly curled leaves may give your indoor garden an intriguing form and texture.

Three expert tips for palm trees, ponytails

Ponytail palm trees are easy-care indoor plants that need little upkeep to be happy and healthy. See the professional advice for maintaining these exquisite indoor trees below.

  1. Provide Plenty of Bright, Indirect Light for Ponytail Palms

Ponytail palms are found in semi-desert regions of tropical climates by nature, and they need plenty of strong light to thrive.

According to Sally Allsop, the creator of All That Grows, “Ponytail palms will thrive in bright, indirect sunlight, so put your plant near a sunny window.” “It’s best to stay out of direct sunlight as this can scorch your plant’s leaves,” she continues.

Your ponytail palm’s thin, curled leaves might be damaged by direct sunshine, but too little light could make the leaves droop.

You also don’t have to worry about putting them wherever inquisitive pets can get access to them since these plants are among the finest pet-safe indoor plants.

Your ponytail palm will be happy where it is after you’ve found a light area for it. These low-maintenance houseplants won’t moan.

  1. Wait to water your ponytail palm after it has dried out.

hydrating the ponytail palm

Correctly watering houseplants is a common mistake that leads to many indoor plant failures.

The soil should be allowed to dry out in between waterings for the ponytail palm, according to plant expert Autumn Janus of Perfect Plants.

Overwatering is a typical indoor plant error that may lead to drooping and discolored leaves on your ponytail palm, as well as houseplant root rot.

Autumn continues, “It is generally advised to water the ponytail palm every four to six weeks or when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch during the active growing season in spring and summer.” Be careful to modify the frequency of watering in accordance with environmental factors like temperature and moisture content.

To keep an eye on the moisture content of your plant’s soil, you may also use a moisture meter such as the one you can get on Amazon.

  1. Every Few Years, Repot Your Ponytail Palm Tree

Replacing the ponytail palm

As plants become bigger, it’s crucial to repot them into a larger container to prevent them from becoming pot confined. Ponytail palms grow more slowly than indoor plants that grow quickly, but they still need to be replanted every few years.

Ponytail palms should generally be repotted every two to three years. Repotting, however, could only be required every three to four years for bigger and more established plants, according to Autumn.

Gently take your ponytail palm from its pot and look at the roots to see whether it’s time to repot. “Repotting may be necessary if the plant is top-heavy or the roots are crowded,” says Autumn.

When a ponytail palm grows too large for its present container, it may not be replanted, which may result in drooping and discolored leaves, slowed development, or even plant death.

Choose a container with drainage holes to aid with draining, such as these planters and saucers from Amazon.


Even some direct sunshine is preferred by ponytail palms over bright, indirect lighting. The ideal windows for them are those that face south or west, although an east window that receives direct morning sunshine will also work, but it could slow down the plant’s growth. It may also thrive in an open Northern exposure, albeit its development may be inhibited by the absence of direct sunshine. Are you unsure if your room will have enough light? To make sure your Ponytail Palm will get adequate light, think about measuring it!


Not overwatering a ponytail palm is one of the most crucial things to keep in mind while providing for it. These plants are drought-tolerant because they retain water in their enlarged trunks. Water only until the soil is completely dry, which might be once every two to three weeks, depending on the amount of light and other factors in the house. Make sure your potting mix drains correctly, and use a moisture meter to help you gauge soil moisture accurately and prevent overwatering!

Temperature of Humidity

Ponytail palms don’t need more humidity in the air since they can withstand low humidity levels.

The temperature

Although these plants can tolerate quite a bit of temperature variation, they do best in warm weather, namely 65 to 85°F. Although they can endure down to 40°F, it is advisable to keep them out of temperatures below 50°F.


Plant your Ponytail Palm in potting mix that drains properly. Although a combination of succulents and cacti may also be effective, the increased drainage may need more regular watering.

Typical Issues

SYMPTOM: Crisping leaves and dry potting mix

  • CAUSE: An undersea, thirsty plant
  • Wet potting mix and yellowing leaves are symptoms.
  • REASON: Too much water
  • SYMPTOM: Tips of brown leaves
  • CAUSE: Compaction of the soil or low humidity (aerate soil)

Take Care

Ponytail palms are normally not hazardous to people or animals, but because of their potentially sharp edges, it’s best to keep them out of children’s and pets’ reach to prevent damage.


Is My Ponytail Palm Tree Fertile?

Fertilizer is not a mandatory care need, however it may help your ponytail palm flourish. Only apply houseplant fertilizer in the spring and summer, when the plant is actively developing, such as this Perfect Plants Nursery liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.

Does My Ponytail Palm Tree Need to Be Pruned?

Pruning your ponytail palm might help to maintain its health. Use sharp, clean gardening tools to remove any dead or damaged leaves, such as these micro-tip pruning snips from Amazon. By doing this, you’ll maintain the health of your plant and promote more growth.

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