You are currently viewing You can assure the success of your plants this month by trimming these trees, shrubs, and climbers.

You can assure the success of your plants this month by trimming these trees, shrubs, and climbers.

It’s time to sharpen your shears and start cutting as the growing season goes on.

In the garden, June is a hectic month. As the temperature rises, trees, shrubs, and perennials are growing new branches, and these branches may develop rather quickly. Even while it’s exciting to see vibrant new growth and blooms in the yard, certain plants will benefit from spring pruning, and taking care of them now can enhance their form and health in the months ahead.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all plants need trimming and tidiness in June, and that improper pruning may seriously harm plants. Because of this, it is advisable to take a thoughtful approach to garden management, noting which plants need to be pruned in the spring and which ones should not be.

In order to prevent expensive pruning errors, take a moment to read the information below on which plants to trim in June before reaching for your pruning shears and becoming snip-happy.

In June, what should you prune?

This month, there are many of climbers, trees, and shrubs that may be trimmed. Many deciduous plants blossom on growth from the previous year by June, and the optimum time to tidy, shape, and trim is just after they bloom. Spring is usually the best time to prune many deciduous plants, however this will depend on your climate and US hardiness zone. Here are seven plants you should prune in June.


Pink-white blossoms adorn a viburnum plant in bloom.

The aroma and delicate hue of viburnum blossoms are irresistible. Since viburnum is a shrub that blooms in the winter and spring, its blossoms will have faded by June, which is the ideal time to do some minor pruning.

If you’re wondering when and how to trim your viburnum, I suggest cleaning your plant after it flowers, which may happen as late as May or June.

Cutting back to a bigger stem will eliminate any spindly or weak growth, regardless of whether you are growing a deciduous or evergreen kind. Remove any unhealthy or dead stems as well.

Many viburnum plants, depending on the species, provide beautiful summer berries; thus, you should leave the fading blossoms to guarantee fruit production later in the year. Although modest pruning is a good idea now, it is preferable to save major shaping and pruning until the late winter and early spring of the next year.


    Amelanchier laevis, or serviceberry, has white blossoms.

    Early in the growing season, spring-flowering shrubs—such as serviceberry trees—help to liven up the yard. Because native plant flowers attract birds and pollinators, serviceberry trees are often regarded as some of the finest trees for small gardens.

    It is recommended to do corrective pruning or shaping on your serviceberry (also known as amelanchier) trees after they have blossomed. Blooms usually fade and fall by June, so now’s a good time to get out the pruning scissors.

    After removing any undesired, dead, or broken stems using clean, sharp shears—like this Kynup secateurs from Amazon—new growth will start to appear from these pruning points in a few weeks.


      Purple-leafed weigela shrub with pink blooms

      Pruning weigela involves making the appropriate pruning cuts at the proper time. By doing this, you may assist your weigela plants take on better form and health and promote more blooms in the years to come.

      It is best to wait until May or June to prune so that you may appreciate the blossoms. Your weigela plant will produce bloom buds on new stems the next year, therefore I advise you to trim it as soon as the flowering season is over.

      Cutting off any sick or dead stems all the way to the root will promote dense, strong growth. To prevent stunning the plant, it’s crucial to remember to abide by the one-third pruning rule, which states that you should never cut off more than one-third of the plant.


        Pink-flowering Clematis montana

        I think one of my favorite climbers is Clematis montana. Pale pink flowers on this stunning group 1 clematis plant announce the approach of spring. Fortunately, growing this clematis is quite simple for gardeners.

        Like other early-flowering clematis plants, Clematis montana may be trimmed back if necessary after its June blossoming. Woody clematis plants need to be reenergized from time to time, while this trimming won’t affect whether they flower the next year.

        Trim off any knotted, woody stems by making a cut above a leaf node. Before pruning down to 10 inches above the base of the plant, I would suggest collecting some insurance clematis cuttings if significant rejuvenation is required.


        Little Gem Magnolia Grandiflora

          Magnificent blossoms are the reason magnolia trees are highly valued. Magnolias come in a wide range of variations, including both deciduous and evergreen species. As such, it is important to constantly explore the best pruning methods for your particular plant.

          Regarding when to prune a magnolia tree, in general, they don’t need to be cut very often, but knowing how to take care of one can help you maintain it in good condition.

          After magnolias bloom, which is generally in late spring or early summer, is when they are best pruned. By pruning now, you may give your magnolia trees enough time to recoup and repair before the chilly autumn and winter months arrive.


            A bloom of pink lilac on a shrub

            Learn to cultivate lilacs, and every spring you will be rewarded with fragrant flowers. When thinking about how to trim lilac bushes, keep in mind that these deciduous plants blossom on the growth from the previous year. Pruning is best done as soon as the flowers from this year fade, which is usually in June.

            Removing lush new growth may seem drastic, but it’s necessary to maintain a happy, healthy plant that is manageable and well-shaped. Take out any dead wood by trimming stems to the ground or back to a leaf node.

            I usually advise gardeners to take their time while trimming, periodically taking a step back to assess their job. Now is the perfect time to trim any crossing branches or unnecessary stems from your tree, giving it a naturally occurring fan-like form.

            BERBERIS A berberis shrub flowering with yellow-orange blooms

              Evergreen Berberis plants, such as the well-known Berberis darwinii, often burst into a riot of vividly colorful blooms in the early to mid-spring. If you want to establish a blooming hedge, Berberis darwinii is a great choice since it offers both evergreen shade and striking orange spring blossoms that look great in a front yard.

              Since all evergreen Berberis bushes may be clipped just after blooming, late spring is an excellent time to grab your shears and clean up your plants. Instead of using hedge shears or electric hedge trimmers, I would suggest using secateurs to chop off any long, whippy stems. Be sure to cut gently however, so as not to damage any blooming stems.

              It’s preferable to alternate between heavy and moderate pruning, keeping some stems for autumn color since these blooming stems will go on to produce berries in the fall.


              Can Roses Be Pruned in June?

              No, it is not advised to prune roses in the late spring or summer. The ideal time to wait is in the autumn or winter, when the rose plant has gone dormant again. To learn which rose-pruning faults to watch out for, visit our guide on the most frequent blunders made while pruning roses.

              In the spring garden, pruning trees, shrubs, and perennials is a crucial activity. Just make sure you are cutting the appropriate plants for this season. See our instructions on when to trim fruit trees for further pruning tips, so your cherry, apple, and pear trees will look fantastic and provide an abundance of fruit this year.

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